Why Should I Mulch My Gardens? The Benefits Of Garden Mulch

Person adding mulch to garden bed

So, what is mulch and why should you mulch your gardens? Mulch is an organic or inorganic material that is spread over the soil in your gardens. Mulch decreases the maintenance required for your garden and offers benefits such as supporting soil health and fertility, reducing weed growth and soil erosion, improves water retention, and enhances the visual appeal of your garden.

Organic mulch is typically made from processed wood chips or tree bark and will eventually decompose, adding organic matter to your garden soil. Black, brown or redwood chip mulch is dyed with environment-friendly dyes and can add an extra pop of colour to your gardens. A dark brown or black mulch is a nice way to create a contrast with your flowers and vegetation, making them stand out against the dark wood chips. The most common mulch products the MPS team uses are:

  • Natural Cedar Mulch
  • Pine Wood Chip
  • Shredded Pine
  • Black, Brown or Red Wood Chip Mulch

There are certain types of mulch for specific gardening purposes that are made from newspaper, grass clippings, leaves, manure and compost. Inorganic mulch can be made from geotextiles or recycled rubber tires. Inorganic mulches do not improve the quality of your garden soil but can be used to increase the temperature of the soil, a reason they are often used in vegetable gardens.

Mulch serves many benefits, we recommend it to all our commercial and residential clients! Contact us today to receive a quote for mulch!

Rock garden with mulch